Mysore Yoga Paris – Closer Together

Meditation: Pratyahara - The World Open to Us

January 10, 2021 Kia Naddermier & Yotam Agam Season 2 Episode 4

This is a live recording of a Meditation on Pratyahara the 5th limb of Yoga, following a talk given in our previous episode with the same name. It was held in our Borderless Online Shala in December 2020. 
We begin by dropping into the body by anchoring down into earth. From a place of groundedness, we become aware of the Midline waking up at the very centre of our body. We connect earth to heaven and heaven to earth through our own central axis.  We let the breath flow naturally between our inner world and the outer.  As we open to our breath, as we open to sensations, we fall into Pratyahara and the world can open itself to us. The world can come to us.

Thank you for listening.

With love & devotion
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